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Section 1. RULES

All contests under the jurisdiction of the Committee shall be played according to National Federation of High School Association Baseball Rules, except for any special rulings adopted by the Committee.

  1. Start of Season:

Teams may allow two (2) catchers and up to eight (8) pitchers to report one week prior to the start of the spring season. The date will be determined by the RIIL.

  1. Pre-season conditioning is for 5 days only. Date to be determined by the RIIL.
  2. Grades 9 – 12 may participate.
  3. Recommend a pre-season conditioning program developed and coordinated by a certified athletic trainer or other medical doctor
  4. All athletes must be eligible by the RIIL Rules
  5. Athlete cannot simultaneously be playing on another RIIL team, i.e. winter sports


  1. The RIIL Pitching Limitations Rule is as follows:


Max Pitches 1 Day – 110


Days’ Rest 76+ 3 Days

51-75 2 Days

26-50 1 Day

25 or Less 0 Days


Player reaching a max count can finish the batter.


If a pitcher reaches a day rest limit in the middle of an at bat and is removed from game after that batter, his official pitch count number will revert back to what it was at the start of the at bat.


Example: If 25 or less pitches in a game doesn’t require any rest for next day. Pitcher starts a batter with 23 pitches already thrown. Pitcher throws 5 pitches and ends up with 28. Pitcher is then removed from game. His official pitch count reverts back to 23 and is eligible to pitch the next day.

Pitch Count Violation (New in 2023)
-If a pitcher exceeds their pitch count according to the official book, then the the Head Coach will be ejected from that game at the time of the violation and be subject to an additional two game suspension to be served in the next two league games.  The RIIL recommends that the home team alert the visiting team when any pitcher's pitch count gets to 100 pitches.


Home Book (Official Book)

-In between innings both coaches should meet to confer what they had for a pitch count.


  1. the conclusion of every game, coaches must post the pitch count on the RIIL website within 24 hours. The head coach will be suspended for the next league game on their schedule if the pitch count is not posted on the RIIL website within 24 hours of every game. In addition, any player(s) that pitched in a game not posted on the RIIL website within 24 hours are ineligible to pitch in the next league game on their schedule but will be allowed to play a field position.


  1. Coaches in Uniform

All coaches, when on the field, must be in a team uniform or jersey with baseball pants that are the same color as the teams. Coaches not in uniform may not leave the dugout and cannot be on the field during the game, except to attend to a sick or injured player.

  1. The home team will be responsible for the condition of the field. The bases, base line, foul lines, home plate,

and pitcher's mound will all be prepared according to the rules.


  1. The home team shall supply proper and necessary police supervision.


  1. All coaches are required to submit a RIIL approved baseball game report.


  1. Rule 4-2-2. Any game (regular season or playoff) shall end when the visiting team is behind 10 or more runs after 4 ½ innings, or after the fifth inning, if either team is behind and both teams have had an equal number of times at bat.


  1. Rule 1-4-4. The state of Rhode Island will allow for special occasion, commemorative or memorial patches that will be uniformly placed, not to exceed 4 square inches, to be worn on jerseys in an appropriate and dignified manner without compromising the integrity of the uniform.


  1. The RIIL will not allow for a double first base according to NFHS rule 1-2-9


  1. The RIIL will not allow for any suggested speed-up rules according to NFHS rule 2-33-1 (courtesy runner rule)


  1. Protest (s) are permitted under Article 5 rules of the RIIL. Note: (NFHS Rule 10-2-3-i)



The Director of Baseball shall make up the schedules and order of games. No school may make any change in this schedule without the prior consent of the Director of Baseball. See Article 1, Section 17 (Home Confirmation Schedule). Games played during the regular season may not start earlier than 3:30 P.M. except by mutual agreement of the opposing school’s Principals. Games may not start later than 4:00 P.M. unless by mutual agreement of the opposing school’s Principals.


Assuming that the starting time is to be 3:30, the visiting team is entitled to the field for practice, both batting and fielding, from 3:00 to 3:20. The home team then may use the field from 3:20 to 3:25, and the game must start promptly at 3:30. If the visiting team does not arrive in time to practice at the stated period, the home team may continue to use the field, but must leave the field immediately when the visiting team does arrive.



  1. postponement rules contained in Article 4, unless otherwise stated, shall govern all postponed baseball games. Baseball games postponed because of weather conditions shall be played, weather and ground conditions permitting, on the following school day, or on the next fair school day when no league game is scheduled.


  1. If a game is postponed for any reason, other than inclement weather, it must be postponed to a definite date with the consent of the schools and permission of the Director of Baseball.


  1. Where unusual circumstances prevail or where conditions are unfavorable, a game may be postponed by mutual consent of the opposing school’s Principals, or authorized agents of the schools involved.


  1. The Chair or the Director of Baseball is empowered to exercise the right to postpone a game if the opposing school’s Principals cannot agree. If in the judgment of the Plate Umpire, playing conditions at game time are too hazardous; the umpire may postpone the game without mutual agreement.


  1. The RIIL game ending procedure is as follows: To interpret NFHS Rule 4-2-Sec.1, 2, 3 & 4:

If a REGULATION game (4 (four) and ½ innings if the home team is ahead or 5 (five) complete innings if the visiting team is ahead) during the REGULAR SEASON (not a state tournament playoff game) is stopped for any reason other than forfeiture and a winner cannot be determined, the game is considered SUSPENDED and will be completed at a later date from the exact point of suspension.  Only student-athletes listed on the original scorecard are eligible to participate in the suspended game's resumption.  Only student-athletes eligible by all RIIL and school rules are eligible to be listed on a scorecard. 


Games that have not reached REGULATION length prior to suspension are considered NO GAME and must be replayed from the beginning.


All state playoff games are SUSPENDED from the first pitch regardless of the inning or score and must be continued from that point to completion.


Section 4. OFFICIALS

RIIL assigned officials shall have jurisdiction of the playing facility areas from thirty minutes before the game until the game is finished and the teams have departed.

A. Each school must present to the visiting team coach and the umpire(s) PRINTED copies of the ground rules

which apply to the field. If such copies of the ground rules are not given to the visiting coach and umpires,

the umpires will make the necessary ground rules for the game, which must be complied with by both teams.


B. It shall be the responsibility of the officials to see that benches are cleared of everyone except coaches,

assistant coaches, managers, scorers, players, the school physician, and a representative of the press.

Section 5. PLAYOFFS

The Championship Playoffs will be conducted under the direction of the Director of Baseball in a format determined by the Director of Baseball, approved by the Committee, and published with the RIIL Baseball Schedule. A playoff series will be arranged at the end of the regular season to determine the State Championship in accordance with rules adopted by the Committee.


A. Tournament games to determine the State Championship or to resolve ties to enter the State Tournament must be seven inning games. Games interrupted by rain or other causes will be resumed from the point of interruption to the completion of the seven innings.

