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Section 1. RULES

All activities under the jurisdiction of the RIIL in this article shall be conducted according to the National Federation of State High School Association Track Rules, except for any special rules adopted by the Committee.

  1. Schools signifying an intent to compete in Track by that very fact manifest their intention to compete in the two (2) Major Meets, the Class, and the State Championships sponsored by the RIIL.
  1. Athlete participation:

Dual Meet An athlete is allowed to participate in not more than four (4) events, provided that not more than two (2) running events are over 400 meters (600 meters – Winter Track). A combination of more than 2 of 800, 1000, 1500, 3000 and/or 4x800 meters will not be allowed.

All Other Meets – An athlete may be entered in a maximum of four (4) events. There will be no restrictions on these events. Athletes may not be entered into events for which they would not be eligible to compete. An athlete is considered entered into an individual event at the time team entries are submitted. Relay entries become final at the time of check-in with meet clerk.

  1. Any athlete who participates in meets and is not listed on the original eligibility list or any official additional list on file with the League Office, shall be subject to the provisions of Article 6, Section 5 (Penalties).
  1. Fair Effort/Scratch Rule:

Athletes legally declared in all running events with qualifying rounds must honestly participate. An athlete must compete as necessary to advance to the next round of competition or be barred from all remaining competitions of the meet. After a deadline for confirmation has been set or a scratch meet held a competitor must compete in the events entered or be barred from all subsequent competitions of the meet. An athlete failing to start or take a trial (other than a designated pass), or who quits an event, shall be considered to have abandoned the competition and shall not participate in any subsequent events. An athlete may not elect to pass all trials in an event.


The Director(s) of Track shall make up the schedules and order of meets with the Committee’s approval. No school may make any change to the schedule. The Director(s) of Track shall work with the State Meet Director, coaches, and officials in carrying out the program.

  1. Dual Meet Schedules – A dual meet schedule will be set up by the RIIL in both Winter and Spring Track.
  1. Scoring ‑ Scoring in all meets will follow Federation guidelines.


The postponement rules of the RIIL contained in Article 4, unless otherwise stated, shall govern all postponed track meets. Any request for a change requires the permission of the Director of Track as well as the consent of all schools involved.

Section 4. OFFICIALS

RIIL assigned official’s authority extends to pre and post-game oversight. Fighting and unsportsmanlike penalties will be within the authority of the officials at all times at the contest site. In the absence of the Director of Track or an RIIL appointed supervisor, the coaches of the respective teams shall act as the officials of all RIIL track meets and shall supervise said meets in accordance with these rules. A State Meet Director shall be appointed annually by the Committee.

  1. The State Meet Director shall act as director of all RIIL State Championship meets. S/he will work under the authority of the Director of Track and will have authority to make any changes in the prescribed order of events or in other details in connection with the RIIL State Championship. S/he shall notify coaches of such changes at least forty‑eight (48) hours in advance of a given State Meet, unless in his/her judgment the changes must be made at the scene of the meet and immediately prior to its start.
  1. The Director(s) of Track shall make adequate provisions for supervising the Meets.


The championship meets will be conducted under the direction of the Director(s) of Track using a format determined by the Director(s), approved by the Committee, and published with the RIIL Track schedule.

  1. For the Class and State Meets, a school may submit as many entries per event as are qualified by the rankings.
  2. Entries for the Class and State Meets must be submitted at a time and manner as designated by the Director(s) of Track. Penalty for late entries: Schools who submit late (after the deadline) entries for the State Meet will be subject to the following:
  • 1st Offense - $50.00
  • 2nd Offense - $100.00
  1. Individuals from schools that do not have a Track team may not enter the RIIL & Class and State Meets except as provided for in Article 3, Section 7. In addition, individuals may not enter the Class Meet without competing in a minimum of two (2) prior meets as designated by the Director of Track. Entry into the State Meet shall be the same for individuals as for members of full teams. Individuals will be credited with their performances in all major meets but will not be considered in the calculation of team scoring.
  2. Awards – A team and individual awards structure shall be established by the Committee for all RIIL major meets.


  1. Entry information for the New England Meet will be provided to coaches as the information becomes available but no later than the State Meet.
  2. Uniforms ‑ No competitor or team will be allowed to compete without wearing a proper uniform. Uniforms will comply with requirements as outlined in current Federation rules.
  3. RI RIIL State records will be developed from meets recognized and approved by the RIIL. Performances to be considered for state records must be submitted to the RIIL office with a proof of performance form.
  4. No athlete may compete or practice in the pole vault event unless under the supervision of a certified pole vault coach. The sport committee shall designate acceptable certification programs. Certification must be renewed after three years.


  1. Dual Meet Entries- Dual meet entries must be submitted to the RIIL Track and Field Director as an electronic HYTEK Entry File. Entry deadline and number of changes will be designated by the Director. Teams are limited to four (4) entries per event. (Entrants in the 3000 may be limited to 3 if the additional runners would require a third heat of the 3000.
  1. Order of Events – Dual Meets:
  1. High Jump‑Start at 4', up 2" per round, winner to be eligible to compete until out.
  2. 4K Plastic Shot
  3. 20# Weight
  4. Long Jump
  5. 3,000 Meters
  6. 4 x 100 Relay
  7. 1,500 Meters
  8. High Hurdles
  9. Dash
  10. 600 Meters
  11. 300 Meters
  12. 1000 Meters
  13. 4 x 400 Relay
  1. Order of Events – Class and State Meets:
  1. High Jump:
  1. Class Meet‑Start at 4'4", up 2" until 3 or fewer, subsequent heights TBD
  2. State Meet‑Start at 4'8", up 2" until 3 or fewer, subsequent heights TBD
  1. 4K Plastic Shot
  2. 20# Weight
  3. Long Jump
  4. 4 x 800 Relay
  5. 4 x 100 Lap Relay
  6. 3,000 Meters
  7. Hurdle Trials
  8. Dash Trials
  9. 1,500 Unseeded (Class Meet)
  10. Hurdle and Dash Semis **(Class Meet Only)
  11. 1500 Seeded
  12. Hurdle Finals
  13. Dash Finals
  14. 600 Meters
  15. 300 Meters
  16. 1000 Meters
  17. 4 x 400 Relay

** Semi final round of hurdles and dash will be dropped if FAT timing is available.

  1. For an athlete to be eligible to compete in the Class meet, an athlete must meet the established minimum standards. If the number of qualifying performances does not complete the field of 18 competitors, the best non-qualifying performances will be allowed to complete the field of 18 competitors. The list of standards will be provided to coaches at the Winter Interpretation Meeting.
  1. An athlete to compete in the State Championship must be among the top eighteen (18) and ties (12 in relay events). The Games Committee may adjust the number of competitors in the Hurdles and Dash to a field of 24. Rank order performance lists as maintained by the Meet Director shall determine eligibility to compete. Performances from dual meets, class meets, as well as any additional meets designated as “qualifying” meets shall be used in developing ranking lists. Four (4) alternates will be accepted in individual events and 2 alternates in the relays. Alternates will be allowed to compete if they have been previously entered and if scratches are determined from the scratch meeting prior to the start of the meet. Alternates will be decided by the designated scratch period.


  1. Dual Meet entries – Unlimited
  2. Dual Meet Order of Events

Field Events – (Opening heights – Pole Vault 5'6", High Jump 4’0")

  1. 110mm/100m Hurdles
  2. 100m Dash
  3. 1500m Run
  4. 4 x 100m Relay
  5. 400m Dash
  6. 300 Hurdles
  7. 800m Run
  8. 200m Dash
  9. 3000m Run***
  10. 4 x 400m Relay

*** The 3000 Meters may be contested as the first running event if this is agreeable to all coaches involved.

  1. Order of Events – Division, Class and State Meets:
  1. High Jump – Division and Class Meet – Start at 4’5”, up 2” until 3 or fewer, subsequent heights TBD

State Meet – Start at 4’9”, up 2” till 3 or fewer, subsequent heights TBD

  1. Pole Vault – Division and Class Meet – Start at 6’, up 6” until 3 or fewer, subsequent heights TBD

State Meet – Start at 7’, up 6” until 3 or fewer, subsequent heights TBD

Long Jump,Triple Jump, #12 Shot Put,  Discus, and Javelin Hammer

  1. 4 x 800 Relay                                             10.  300 Hurdles
  2. 4 x 100 Relay                                             11.  800 Sections
  3. High Hurdle Trials                                     12.  3000 Unseeded  
  4. 100 Trials                                                   13.  3000 Seeded     
  5. 1500 Unseeded                                          14.  200 Finals
  6. 1500 Seeded                                               15.  4 x 400 Relay
  7. Hurdle Finals                                            
  8. 100 Finals                                                  
  9.  400 Sections                                             

In order to account for the FAT marks, .24 will be added to the provisional standards for state meet qualifying purposes.

  1. An athlete to compete in the State Championship Meet must be among the top (18 or 24) and ties (15 in relay events). The Games Committee may adjust the number of competitors in the Hurdles and Dash to a field of 24. Rank order performance lists as maintained by the Meet Director shall determine eligibility to compete. Field will be filled to eighteen (18) except the 110 Hurdles and 100 Dash, which will be a maximum field of twenty-four (24). In vertical jumps, athletes tying for the 18th qualifying spot will be added only if they do not cause the entrant field to exceed 20. The minimum field size will be 12. Rank Order performance lists as maintained by the Meet Director(s) shall determine eligibility to compete. Marks from divisional championship meets, class meets as well as additional meets designated as “qualifying” meets shall be used in developing ranking lists. The maximum field size for relay events shall be 12. Alternates will be allowed to compete if they have been previously entered and if scratches are determined from the scratch deadline prior to the start of the meet. The sport committee is authorized to move some field events to be conducted on the afternoon previous to the State Championship meet in an effort to expedite the meet for the benefit of all athletes, coaches and fans.
  1. Division, Class, and State Meets shall score to 8 places, with 9 to finals in all Field Events except the vertical jumps which do not utilize trials and finals.
  2. In all qualifying meets, implements should be weighed and measured, if possible, prior to competition.
  1. State Meet Qualifying Standards:

Qualifying and Provisional entry standards will be provided to coaches at the Spring Interpretation Meeting.

Athletes not achieving the provisional standard may not be entered in the State Championship.

  1. No athlete may compete or practice in the pole vault event unless under the supervision of a certified pole vault coach. The sport committee shall designate acceptable certification programs. Certification must be renewed after three years.

Updated 6/20/18